

Gene Expression in Human Placenta Following Trauma Exposure Varies Between Boys and Girls

Carson, K. W., Babad, S., Kosuri, M., Bursky, M., Fairchild, V., Barahmand, U., ... & Nikulina, V. (2021). Sexual victimization disclosure: a cluster analysis approach to understanding victimization experiences in disclosers and non-disclosers. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(22), 11919.

Bursky, M., Kosuri, M., Walsh Carson, K., Babad, S., Iskhakova, A., & Nikulina, V. (2021). The Utility of Meditation and Mindfulness-Based Interventions in the Time of COVID-19: A Theoretical Proposition and Systematic Review of the Relevant Prison, Quarantine and Lockdown Literature. Psychological Reports, 00332941211048734.

Carson, K. W., Babad, S., Brown, E. J., & Nikulina, V. (e-pub ahead of print, 2021). Why do women talk about it? Reasons for disclosure of sexual victimization and associated symptomology. Violence Against Women, doi: 1077801220978818.

Nikulina, V., Gelin, M., & Zwilling, A.L. (2021; e-pub ahead of print 2017). Is there a cumulative association between adverse childhood experiences and intimate partner violence in emerging adulthood? Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(3-4), 1205 – 1232. doi: 10.1177/0886260517741626.

Pehme, P., et al. (2020). Gene Expression in Human Placenta Following Trauma Exposure Varies Between Boys and Girls. Biological Psychiatry, Volume 87, Issue 9, S292

Carpi, A., Nikulina, V., Li, X., & Widom, C. S. (2020). Childhood maltreatment and lead levels in middle adulthood: A prospective examination of the roles of individual socio-economic and neighborhood characteristics. PloS one15(11), doi: e0240683.

Babad, S., Zwilling, A., Carson, K. W., Fairchild, V., & Nikulina, V. (e-pub ahead of print, 2020). Childhood environmental instability and social-emotional outcomes in emerging adults. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, doi: 886260520948147.

Carson, K.W., Babad, S., Brown, E.J., Brumbaugh, C.C., Castillo, B.K., & Nikulina, V. (2020; e-pub ahead of print 2019). Sexual victimization: Why women are not talking about it and how nondisclosure is associated with psychopathology. Violence against Women, 26(3-4), 27-295. doi: 10.1177/0361684310384104

Babad, S., Zwilling, A., Carson, K.W., Fairchild, V., Razak, S., Robinson, G., & Nikulina, V. (e-pub ahead of print, 2019). Risk taking and sensation seeking in survivors of childhood adversity. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, doi: 10.1177/0886260519876035.

Butt, M., Espinal, E.,  Aupperle, R., Nikulina, V., & Stewart, J.L. (2019). The electrical aftermath: brain signals of posttraumatic stress disorder filtered through a clinical lens. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10(10). doi:

Nikulina, V., & Widom, C.S. (2019; e-pub ahead of print 2018). Higher levels of intelligence and executive functioning protect maltreated children against adult arrests:  A prospective study. Child Maltreatment, 24 (1), 3-16.

Nikulina, V., *Bautista, A., & Brown, E. (2019; e-pub ahead of print 2016). Negative responses to disclosure of sexual victimization and victim’s symptoms of PTSD and depression: The protective role of ethnic identity. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 34(21-22), 4638-4660.


 Oral Presentations

Nikulina, V. (May 2021). Panel discussion on stress and resilience. Invited panel participant to present remotely to at Queens College.

Nikulina, V. (April 2021). Adverse childhood experiences: an examination of individual and cumulative risk. Invited colloquium presented remotely at the Queens College Psychology Department.

Nikulina, V. & Babad, S. (April 2021). Adverse childhood experiences and clinical considerations for Queens College students. Invited lecture presented remotely at the Queens College Counseling Center.

Nikulina, V. (March 2021). Difficult conversations: Discussing stress, trauma and death during the pandemic. Invited lecture presented online to the Queens College Alumni.

Nikulina, V. (December 2020). Stuck in the middle: Child well-being/safety during domestic violence. Invited lecture presented online as part of Speranza Human Compassion Project.

Nikulina, V. (February 2020). Keynote speaker introduction. Invited to introduce Nim Tottenham, Ph.D. at the annual Neuropsychology Research Day, Queens College, Queens, NY. 

Nikulina, V., Carson, K.W., & Babad, S. (October 2019). Should I tell someone? The reasons for disclosure and non-disclosure of sexual victimization and associated symptoms of PTSD. Invited lecture presented at St. John’s University and Child Help Partnership, Flushing, New York.

Babad, S. & Carson, K.W. (April 2019). Trauma and disruptive school behavior. Lecture presented at the City University of New York School of Law, New York, NY.

Babad, S., Zwilling, A., Carson, K.W., & Nikulina, V. (March 2019). Adverse childhood experiences, risk-taking propensity, and sensation seeking in emerging adults. Lecture presented at the Queens College 16th Annual Neuroscience Research Day, Flushing, NY.

Fairchild, V.P. Carson, K.W., Babad, S., Robinson, G., Razak, S., Tineo, K., Nikulina, V. (2019, March). Female Perpetrated Intimate Partner Violence in Emerging Adults. Lecture presented at the Queens College 16th Annual Neuroscience Research Day, Flushing, NY.

Razak, S., Wendol, T., Babad, S., Carson, K., & Nikulina, V. (March 2019). Race differences in disclosure of sexual assault. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, New York, NY

Babad, S., Ewing S., Quinn, C., Coronado, D., Shehab, S., Ehrlich, Y., & Schwartzblatt, A. (March 2018). Trauma and disruptive school behavior. Lecture presented at the City University of New York School of Law, New York, NY.

Babad, S., Nomura, Y., Walsh, K., Finik, J., & Nikulina, V. (February 2018). Maternal trauma history and toddler socioemotional function. Lecture presented at the monthly Queens College Psychology Department Colloquium Talks; Flushing: NY.

Babad, S. & Nikulina, V. (February 2018). Adult insecure attachment styles and health risk behaviors in sexual abuse survivors. Lecture presented at the Queens College 15th Annual Neuroscience Research Day, Flushing, NY.

Carson, K.W., Babad, S., Brown, E.J., Brumbaugh, C.C, Castillo, B.K., & Nikulina, V. (October 2017). Is disclosure of sexual victimization protective against symptoms of PTSD and depression? Lecture presented at the Clinical Psychology Colloquium Series at Queens College, Queens, NY.

Babad, S., Quinn, C., Ewing, S., & Shehab, S., (September 2017). Responding to student needs: Offering support while maintaining boundaries. Lecture presented to the Queens College faculty, Flushing, NY.

Recent Poster Presentations

Babad, S., Fairchild, V., Bursky, M., Robinson, G., Maharaj, R., Flores-Ortega, M., Razak, S., Schwarzblatt, Z.G., & Nikulina, V. (February 2021). Prior trauma history and adherence to public health recommendations: The role of impulsive decision making. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, online.

Babad, S., Fairchild, V., Flores-Ortega, M., Bursky, M., & Nikulina, V. (February 2021). Trait impulsivity mediates stress-induced alcohol consumption during COVID-19. Poster presented online at the annual meeting of the American Psychopathological Association.

Bursky, M., Babad, S., Fairchild, V., Flores-Ortega, M., Maharaj, R., Gros, Z., Cordova, D., & Nikulina, V. (February 2021). COVID-19 related social media use mediates the relationship between emotion dysregulation and anxiety. Poster presented online at the annual meeting of the American Psychopathological Association.

Razak, S., Tineo, K., Carson, K.W., Babad, S., Fairchild, V., Robinson, G., Kosuri, M., & Nikulina, V. (February 2021). Disclosure of sexual victimization: The development of a measure of reasons for disclosure. Poster presented online at the annual meeting of the American Psychopathological Association.

Maharaj, R., Babad, S., Fairchild, V., & Nikulina, V. (February 2021). The psychological impacts of the Coronavirus 2019 pandemic for trauma survivors. Poster presented online at the annual meeting of the American Psychopathological Association.

Babad, S., Fairchild, V., Carson, K.W., Zwilling, A., & Nikulina, V. (November 2020). Have we lost sight of the trees? Beyond the cumulative risk model of adverse childhood experiences. Poster presented online at the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies.

Robinson, G., Babad, S., Fairchild, V., Carson, K.W., Flores-Ortega, M., Gros, Z., Zwilling, A., & Nikulina, V. (November 2020). A three-factor model of adverse childhood experiences. Poster presented online at the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies.

Tineo, K., Razak, S., Carson, K.W., Babad, S., Fairchild, V.,  Robinson, G.,  Kosuri, M., & Nikulina, V. (November 2020). Non-disclosure of sexual victimization: the development of measures of reasons for disclosure and non-disclosure.  Poster presented online at the annual meeting the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies.

Tineo, K., Razak, S., Carson, K.W., Babad, S., Fairchild, V.,  Robinson, G.,  Kosuri, M., & Nikulina, V.  (August 2020). Non-disclosure of sexual victimization: Qualitative analysis of themes contributing to disclosure and non-disclosure.  Poster presented online at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association.

Pehme, P.M., Carson, K.D, Zhang, W., Nikulina, V., & Nomura, Y. (May 2020). Gene expression in human placenta following trauma exposure varies between boys and girls. Poster presented online at the annual meeting of the Society of Biological Psychiatry.

Babad, S., Carson, K.W., Zwilling, A., & Nikulina, V. (March 2020). Still single: long-term impact of childhood physical and sexual abuse. Poster presented at the annual meeting of American Psychopathological Association, New York, NY.   

Carson, K.W., Babad, S., Fairchild, V.P., Nikulina, V., Barahmand, U., & Brown, E.J. (March 2020). Sexual victimization disclosure: A cluster analysis approach to understanding victimization experiences in disclosers and non-disclosers. Poster presented at the annual meeting of American Psychopathological Association, New York, NY.   

Fairchild, V., Carson, K.W., Babad, S., Zwilling, A., & Nikulina, V. (March 2020). Differences in female young adult perpetrations of intimate partner violence. Poster presented at the annual meeting of American Psychopathological Association, New York, NY.   

Babad, S., Carson, K.W., Zwilling, A., & Nikulina, V. (February 2020). Adverse childhood experiences and cognitive-emotional domains of ego-strength and loneliness in emerging adults. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Denver, CO.

Carson, K.W., Babad, S., Fairchild, V.P., Nikulina, V., & Brown, E.J. (November 2019). Sexual victimization disclosure. A cluster analysis approach to understanding sexual victimization experiences. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Boston, MA.

Babad, S., Carson, K.W., Zwilling, A., & Nikulina, V. (November 2019). The long-term psychological impact of individual adverse childhood experiences associated with environmental instability. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Boston, MA.

Tineo, K., Razak, S., Carson, K.W., Babad, S.,Farichild, V., Robinson, G., Kosuri, M., & Nikulina, V. (November 2019). Non-disclosure of sexual victimization: Qualitative and quantitative analysis of themes contributing to non-disclosure. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Boston, MA.

 Babad, S., Zwilling, A., Carson, K.W., & Nikulina, V. (March 2019). Are adverse experience in childhood associated with risk-taking and sensation seeking in emerging adulthood? Poster presented at The Graduate Center Annual Psychology Research Day, New York, NY.

Babad, S., Zwilling, A., Carson, K.W., Fairchild, V.P., Robinson, G., Razak, S., Wendol, T., & Nikulina, V. (March 2019). Risk-taking propensity, sensation seeking, and gender in emerging adult survivors of adverse childhood experiences. Poster presented at the 109th annual meeting of the American Psychopathological Association, New York, NY.

Babad, S., Zwilling, A., Carson, K.W., & Nikulina, V. (February 2019). Are adverse experience in childhood associated with risk-taking and sensation seeking in emerging adulthood? Poster presented at the 47th annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, New York, NY.

Babad, S., Carson, K.W., Brown, E., Brumbaugh, C.C., Castillo, B.K., & Nikulina, V. (November 2018). Nondisclosure of sexual victimization: Helpful or harmful? Poster presented at the 34th annual meeting of the International Society for Stress and Traumatic Studies, Wahsington D.C.

Babad, S., Zwilling, A., & Nikulina, V. (April 2018). Behavioral inhibition and PTSD symptom clusters in sexual assault survivors. Poster presented at 9th Annual All-Psychology Research Day, The Graduate Center, New York, NY.

Babad, S., Zwilling, A., & Nikulina, V. (March 2018). Behavioral inhibition and PTSD symptom clusters in sexual assault survivors. Poster presented at the 108th annual meeting of the American Psychopathological Association, New York, NY.

Babad, S., Zwilling, A., Caruso, R., & Valentina, N. (March 2017). Moderating effects of behavioral approach and inhibition on the relationship between intimate partner violence and potential for child physical abuse. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychopathological Association, New York, NY.

Babad, S., Nomura, Y., Walsh, K., Finik, J., & Nikulina, V. (November 2017). The effects of maternal trauma and stress on toddler socioemotional function. Poster presented at the 33rd annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Chicago, IL.